Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bits & Pieces

Here's the knicks knacks of the things I thought I wanted to blog about:

Discussing No. 14 Goal Celebration in the office with a fellow gooner:
(apparently he did that "T" thingy for his daughter, whose name is 'TEA')
Gooner @ work: So it's 'TEA'...Who names their dotter 'tea' anyway...
(silence) *Gooner @ works gives me that blur look*
Me: Teh 'O' Henry, Teh 'Peng' Henry....geddit?
*Gooner @ works breaks into guffaws of laffter*
Gooner @ work: Teh 'Si' Henry...

A marking of Pires losing his magic, where he displays his blurest performance to date:
The Dad: Robart Piris! Apa kau buaaaaaaat??!! uuuurhhh!
The Dad is not great at foreign name pronounciation. For eg. Gilberto = Gibarlto, Toure = Taw-rae but he NEVER gets 'Pires' WRONG. Pires must have got on his nerves.

She makes me grin today, It's Nor ... she's watching soccer...*in awe*
So Nor, care to share which side were you on for that match?
Memang Pires tu lembik, lagi2 lepas balik injury yg 2 seasons ago. He was never the same.
Semoga nie mlm dier buck up. Kudos to Mr Shafie, for influencing kakak Nor to watch soccer.

I intended to watch PONTIANAK MENJERIT(again!!) last night * biar betol* but i fell asleep too early.
For those who has this puzzled look on their faces, kenapa si bdk isz nie nak tgk citer HANTU padahal dier peh penakot...ya amat...pasal kalau tgk 2 meters away from the tv set, remove my speckies and I have like 350 myopic degrees...Faizal Hussein mcm Brandon Boyd... haa haa haa pointed out by Kakak Yanni.

Kakak Yanni masak pasta sungguh sedap sehingga menjilat jari kaki...*aik*

Muchas gracias Kay (sempena Adek Cesc), for that ecard ya...i choked(nearly babe!) on my coffee mooncake when i saw it! Pires pakai topi jenama 'isz'.. ahakhakhakhak. Am willing to share Ewan Mcgregor, Paul Bettany and Faizal Hussein with you... hahahahah


Anonymous said...

omg, I so had a crush on Faizal Hussein back in primary school!


Anonymous said...

oh PS, I think it's Tea as in Tee Aa. Or Lea with a T.

/lawak bangang
Nanti his son dia kasi nama Tariq kot. Tea Tariq. Geddit? ha ha ha ha argh
/lawak bangang

Anonymous said...

roflol!!! lawak bangang sunggoh lawak skali...tea tarik..

isz...blame it on my father-in-law..usuali hubby comes home late and im left alone in the hse with father-in-law so watch tv to accompany him..hes a soccer-freak....mcm best plak tgk soccer....heheee