Friday, August 05, 2005

Anally me.

I just unleashed my anal demanding nature on my innocent best friend.
Hate it when my heart is down on my feet and my brain is nowehere to be found.
NOT functioning, my systems got disrupted.

It's like a Dementor administering its KISS on me.
I'm not sure if I will ever be cheerful again.


Anonymous said...

oh dun worry.. it's our nature to be all cheery.. i'm sure whatever you did, you'll make up for it and before you know it.. you're all chirpy and bobby bouchery again!


Anonymous said...


I know this is not much but I am hoping it'll sorta cheer ya up a notch, mmmkay? Or at least, get ya in the mood for the new season..

Click on me links :D

Anonymous said...

hey babe...chill ah.... there's only so much of hormones dat ya can handle @ one time.... and when it over exceeds its limit, its ok ta blow up.... *hugs* a better day will pretty damn sure of dat....