Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Again, please?

Interesting isn't it... how dreams can be bizarrely ridiculously.
I woke up with a chuckle today.
And a Big Grin followed shortly.

My dream was: ( i can't recall everything, but these is the few highlights) I was suffering from a terrible acne/pimple/boils problem on my forehead. (which i really am! but not as bad till boils.) Got this terrible humongous one that throbs in pain. (Think Elm Street!) Went to the doctor, its Ewan McGregor!! (Tom Lincoln!) with the specs and the scottish accent!!..He tried operating on it, before he could there's a creepy crawly + foetus (species!!) climb outta it. Surprisingly, we didnt freaked out, he just disposed it off in a rubbish bin... which suspiciously looks like my IKEA wastepaper bin. Found myself ended up at La Salle. (weird!) And there he was Ewan Mcgregor AGAIN!! with beard et al. (Obi wan!!) Apparently he's a lead singer of a band,Ben Affleck as the bassist and thugs looking dude as the rest of them.
Met the small peeps (Cept' Nor). (Front row!! and tuty was jumping up and down squealing ard).. and they sang like Incubus...It's Incubus's latest single!! Make a MOVE!!...before i knew it, i was walking with Lydia in some dark alley, and she was chased by a PONTIANAK!!.. I think I cried, shivering with fear, watching Lydia being chased.

Must be The Island. I love that I'm-a-cheeky-scotsman-grin.

And I'm still chuckling now.
For a slightly different matter. *giggles*


Anonymous said...

i was jumping in an INCUBUS concert????!!!!



lemme have that dream too! exclude the pontianak please.

iSz said...

no babe, It was some unknown band with Ewan/Obi Wan(<3!) as their lead singer!! and Ben(err!) as the bassist. But they perform like incubus, singing Incubus latest single. Plus the body sway and all. MY FERST celebrity dream..
Ben Affleck (where the fark did that come from man??!!)

Anonymous said...

hahaa...tuty must have been enjoying herself at dat concert....

Anonymous said...

but wheres me in the dream?!?!

iSz said...

U were there lah babe... but not as outstanding as tuty...I say the ALL THE SMALL PEEPS were there.. cept Nor!!! (nor, i will bear in mind to include you in my nxt dream ;)).. Tuty was doing this hand gestures and headbanging... like a possesed chick.. ahakhakhak..

Anonymous said...

oh, so it wasnt incubus?

LOL! aku jadi possessed chic! head banging and the lil gesture??!!

cool! i think i was having great fun at the concert. =)

Anonymous said...

aku tak bleh ah pi concert..sbb keadaan yg tidak mengizinkan..sbb tuh aku takde dlm mimpi kau! ehkhekhhhhhehe

Anonymous said...

Hello iSz, been looking for the latest info on staph and found Again, please?. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.