Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Kay Makata!

I hope you have an enjoyable and memorable birthday, considering you have a trip to sunny Barcelona all lined up, it's hard not to. I wish/hope/pray for you to bump into Cesc(!), or any of the HOT spanish footballers, (Luis Garcia haaa haaa haaa haaa! Bluerk!) or Bobby Pires(!) while you were there. You still are my favourite-est goonerette ever. And I'm looking forward to more bitching/ranting/slashing/fangirling/analysing the Arsenal with you. Ameen.

Loads of love,
Isz the Goonerette

P/s: I hope you read this before you embark for your holiday, I need your UK address ASAP. I know you are moving to a new place and all, but do pass me an address that you have access to for the next 2 weeks or so. Thanks hor!

I remembered the first time I saw this guy on tv, he was a guest correspondent for the discussion on post 9/1/1 in C/N/A. He caused the then host, I believe its the Shankar guy of the rape scandal, to flurry a bit with his vocal and rather un'standard' views.

Here's something to share: Robert F/i/s/k: Welcome to P/a/l/e/s/t/i/n/e

Speaking of which, I still have a quarter of The Great War of Civilisation to go, cos I stopped like 8 months ago. I lost steam after going to the final quarter. Must start reading again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks love! Barcelona was lovely (apart from 299836 kids wearing Henry 14). Was 4 stops away from Arenys de Mar when we went to the beach but no Cesc in sight. Speak soon! xoxo :D