Monday, June 11, 2007

Congratulations, Mas Tuty Suliani & Yusri.

And what a wedding!

Words failed me on occasion like this.
Normally I find myself 'star-struck' when in front of these beautiful brides even when they are my FRIENDS!! I could only register an awkward smile and mumble some cliched well wishes.
Coupled with multiple thoughts of running through my brain*Please walk slowly, you don't want to tripped onto the wedding couple*, *oh no, I need to get on the dais*, *ermmm what should I say*, *eh, is my tudong senget*, *how to smile??!!*.
Pendek kata, aku mmg stress gila kalau berdepan dgn majilis-majilis mcm nie.

All the small peeps are there! Which is quite an achievement. We had kickass time! The food was good! We even had a post-wedding dinner meet up at McD. hakahkhakhak.

To Tuty and Yusri,
Thank you for having me part of your wedding, witnessing your akad nikah and getting me involved in the wedding preps.
I'm happy to be there, for being part of it will enveloped itself fondly in my memory.
I am expecting Little Yusri(s) or Tuty(s) in years to come. It's high time Aisyah gets a playmate. Heh.

p/s: KL itinerary on it's way. Soonest possible.


Anonymous said...

hahhahha Panjang nya nama aku, pastu nama suami aku pendek nya.. ok jugak lah..

Thank you for being there, for all the 3 days.. thank you for mending the registration even when there was some difficult ppl (we can talk later ok!)

it means a lot to me that you peeps came! that matter A LOT. eh nanti gamba kau pat registration seme aku bagi kau eh.. heheheh

ok ok! planning for juniors already! =) sebab nak main main dgn kakak Aisyah.

Anonymous said...

oh lupa nak cakap! you can include me in the KL trips now!!! dah ader PASSPORT!!!