Sunday, August 06, 2006

Rectum flavoured.

I think it's best when we make sacrifices for ppl, we do it in a state of ikhlas. Otherwise we would be digging up dusty old favours and when they couldn't reciprocate. You'll end up harbouring that "how could you?" sad mentality.

And it's really hard NOT to get sad. And all this while, I thought I was being 'ikhlas' enough but apparently not.

I was half expecting that THEY could do the same for me, in fact much less than what I did for THEM. And all I hear is a very long "alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh".

As much as I tried convincing myself not to rake up the past,
my mind went on overdrive picking out my past helps/favours and what nots.

I know this is bad and it only showcases my selfish self. Yeah in fact, I am no saint and I haven't reach the height of super selfless being yet. (but we all are working towards that... aren't we?)

And I came to a conclusion, after my incoherent ramblings.
That being NICE, aren't that great after all, as they say "Nice guys finish last" and so it applies to generous ppl too.

I'm so fed up being the rear-end receiver lah.

Disclaimer: No. I'm not ranting about donations here...

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