Tuesday, August 22, 2006

every you and every me.

Here's something long overdue.

No lah babe, I'm not prepared to keep my blog quiet for too long.
Been meaning to update tapi asyik tak sempat je lah.

1. Do you really make wishes when you blow out the candles on your cake?
Nope. I just never do it and no one reminds me to.

2. Have any of the wishes ever come true, if yes?
ermmmm nope.

3. How do you feel about birthdays?
I LOVE BIRTHDAYS. It's a chance to wring ur family and friends dry. hah.
A purrrfekt opportunity to get whatever you have been eyeing.

4. Tell us a favorite gift you've received, or something you'd really like for your next birthday.
My 4 Mighty Maxes (polly pockets male version) which Mom got for me last year, or issit last 2 years. Which is totally unexpected!!She told me she wanted to buy me M.A.S.K's Venom, but its a tad pricey for a toy. Small peepz's Starcom's ShadowRider. Fantastic stuff, stayed up late at night to play with it. Awesome. Love it too bits still.

5. What flavour cake?Anything as long as it's not strawberry flavoured. I'm goooood.

1) What was the bravest thing you have every done?
Owning up to my mistakes. It ain't easy, babe.

2) Describe the meanest thing you have ever done.
I teased Yanni that her (then) boyfriend is GAY and she cried. *boo iSz*

3) Tell us about the nicest thing anything anyone has done for you.
When I was in Poly and down with flu, my dad pick me up after school, carries/puts on my backpack and bought me a meal from Burger King before sending me to the doctor.
Considering it's my DAD. It's ultra sweeeeeeet. I feel like I was 7 years old again.

4) What was the most insane thing you have ever witnessed or done?
Me collecting newspaper cuttings and filing them up.

5) Describe the most "out of character" thing you secretly want to do.
I always got this sudden urge to do cartwheels along the walkway by my GM's office when I'm stressed with work.

1. How much time do you spend on the Internet daily?1/5 at least.

2. What are your favorite 3 websites? soccernet.com, wikipedia.org, bbc.co.uk

3. Do you eat at your computer? Yup, always.

4. Pick one and why - Reading the news online or in a newspaper? NEWSPAPER, I love reading them while lying in bed.

5. How many people are on your instant messenger buddy list? 62 on MSN plus Orang-orang Extra and 3 on Y!m

2. Do you have your children's names picked out already? Nope.

3. If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name have been? Ahmad.

4. If you could re-name yourself what name would you pick and why? Naimah, because I like it!

5. Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?
Stuffs of the legend yo. Most common full name mispronounciation: Is-MIGHTY. Make ppl call me iSz instead but I got Iszy, Iszzie, Isu, Iss, Isliani(wherever that comes from), Isa.. the list is endless I tell ya.

1. What talent(s) do you have that could make you famous? I have a fabulous nasal voice, which can be used as a purrrfekt example for Nasal sounds.

2. If you could be famous for one day, what would you do? I'll buy The Grove and the entire Arsenal squad. And if they can't score on the pitch, I'll force them to play masak-masak.

3. If you were so famous that money was no object, where would you live? Siberia, I love COLD.

4. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be? Too many to be named.

1. When you were a child, what was your favorite game to play? ZERO POINT.

2. What is your favorite game to play right now? Solitaire. heh.

3. Can you share a good story about playing with others or yourself? Thumb wrestling with the bro that gotten him to fall off the sofa.

4. What do you do for play time fun now?Watch films? O-U-R-A-N.

5. If you were able to invent a game, what would you call it?
Jom main gigit2!~

1) Favourite movie of the 1980s? American Ninja

2) Favourite musician/group of the 1980s? Queen.

3) Favourite TV show of the 1980s? M.A.S.K

4) Favourite invention of the 1980s? High cut sneakers.

5) World Event from the 1980s that stands out in your mind? Maradona's hand of god.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still solitaire? hehe...kalau arsenal kau punyer...dah lama dorang main masak2 oredi hor. 8p