Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Look, what have you done?

One of the special things about World Cup is you'll get to see big grown men CRY.
The dejected looks, and that lost-in-space faces. As Kay noted, it's OK (manly, weih!) to cry for football. Really.
I always do. heh. Only when it concerns the Gunners. Must work on 'loving' Germany, cos I don't like (hate/abhor/detest) the other 7 (not on footballing terms, but more of my own cocked-up principle and personal terms)

This morning, the floodgates burst (sikit je lah), when Kay showed me this:

*cries some more*
Technically, this dude is still a boy. heh. My heart bleeds for him, sedih siot muker!

Pre-match conference *tgh happy2*

*bawling on the floor*
I would be gutted too, if I were in their shoes.
Kay, sekiranya I didn't 'see' you for the next few days.
Happy 22nd Birthday ye!! ( I wanted to wish you just now, luper!)

1 comment:

demerara said...

o woe! Sedih!

Giler bias wei, bila cRonaldo nangis kita gelak habis habisan (get off the pitch you poof!) tapi bila adik Cesc yang nangis rasa kesian pulak.. (aww /hugs /snuggles /pets) hehehahahuhuhohihaohahehoho

Thanks for the birthday wish babes! :D