Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Hilaaaang tanpa kesan.

Did I ever tell any of you, I got a crush on Hercule Poirot when i was really2 young.
Nevermind that he is just a fictional character, I love smartass geeks/nerds.
<3 SendyLove.

If I ever be a detective,
My first case of the day will be about the missing blogs.
Some of them chose to disappear on the same day.
There was no hint whatsoever that they are quitting.


Anonymous said...

i think i noe which blogs are missing..hurhur..eh babe..but the title damn jiwang xia..
hilaaaang tanpa kesan...u like so hampa like dat...hurhur

iSz said...

Gua tak hampa lah dey!
Gua cumer WONDER ALOUD je.
haisssh.. takkan blog ilang gua hampeh gila babeng kaaaan.