Sunday, June 26, 2005

Eclectic Feelings

Arrrrrgh!.. totally forgotten what i want to originally blog abt.

I visited my late grandpa's best friend earlier today.
The atok gone frail and he hasn't got the appetite to eat for weeks.
Being sickly and all, lost quite a bit of weight.
He and grandpa has been best friends for longest time ever.
That atok, who would regularly accompany my grandpa to his dialysis.
Constantly by my grandpa side though THICK and thin.
Looking at him reminds me of late grandpa, I nearly teared.
When I was younger, I would tag along to makan angin with my grandpa and this atok.
I thought this atok was damn KOOL cos he uses a Snoopy leather belt. ahkahkahka.
I hope he regains his appetite and get healthy soon. Insya Allah.

Went Mak Andam recce-ing with pipi and family.
Not sure what make me do it.
Quite an EYE-OPENER.... ahakakahk...
Not much help in assisting my best friend to choose her engagement outfit.
She obviously brought the wrong person lah... She brought along her I-think-all-bridal-outfits are-over-the-top best friend. (which defeats the purpose if its not OTT!).. haha..
Like a mechanism fixed to my neck, I've become a smile-and-nod robot yesterday.
Did'nt know one have to book the Mak Andam... wayyyyy in advance before the majilis.
Wayyyy in advance - 1 to 2 yrs....

The braddah and I can't wait for NAPOLEON DYNAMITE.
Don't think its out yet.
Girl: What are you drawing?
Dorky-looking Napoleon: A Liger.
Girl: What's a Liger?
Napoleon: It's my favourite animal. It's like a Lion and a Tiger mixed.


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