Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Cloud 7.


Yesterday, meet up with the getek girls... loadsa stories.
Loadsa laffters... and loadsa geteking.

The manager got me a Giraffe (a toy lah of course!) frm Shanghai.. yet to give him (it has to be a male!) a name.. any suggestions??... Safin??.. yes? No?... Cesc?.. or perhaps !xobile?



Anonymous said...


i actually giggled when i read ur "*giggles*"

*giggles* dun know why i giggled when i read that.

and to think how cute you'll be when you got that giraffe.

*imagine isz jumping up and down and about, while clapping her hands and in bobby buchey mode*


Anonymous said...

eh...yg suker clap kan yanni....aku rasa kau ter'confuse lah, toots...hehehehehehee. isz...kau panggil dier zirabi. mcm adek kau ckp...ader babi dlm zirafah.

aku bedek ajelah....jgn marah! *huGz* hmm..nak kasi dier namer per eh? tompok?