Sunday, April 01, 2007

Me and the Arsenal.

There is nothing much to say about our latest trashing, I think these problems have been addressed too many times. Let's leave it at that.

After a while, when losing seems to be quite a norm, we began to look for things that can replace the satisfaction of winning and reaffirm the reason why we are are still the Goon[dus]ers. i.e fangirling. hahahahahaha.

I HAD the Fever Pitch.

My mother has two cats, one called O'Leary and the other called Chippy, Liam Brady's nickname; the walls of her garage still bear the graffiti I chalked up there twenty years ago: 'RADFORD FOR ENGLAND!' ' CHARLIE GEORGE!' My sister Gill can still, when pushed, name most of the Double team.

Sometime in May 1986 Gill called me at the language school during the midmorning break. She was then working at the BBC, and the Corporation announces big news as it comes in over the tannoy for the benefit of all staff.

'George Graham,' she said, and I thanked her and put the phone down.

This is how things have always worked in my family. I feel bad Arsenal has intruded into their lives, too.

- Nick Hornby, Fever Pitch.

Likewise Nick, happens to mine too.

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