Monday, February 13, 2006


It has confirmed my suspicion.
Of looking OLDer than my actual age.

First, those makciks OLDer than my mom, insists on me calling them 'kakak'.
I obliged, naturally, because I am a peace person and would not do anything to cause any unhappiness. So Makciks are now known as Kakaks. *tak sedar diri betol, even if i DROPPED ATOMIC BOMB hints that my MOMMY is wayyyy YOUNGer than THEM, and I'm like 2 years older than their kids*

Secondly, I was called 'AUNTIE' by some skateboarding teens while accompanying Nor during her video filming. Of course, I was riled up and even scolded the kid..*poor kid*.
Auntie, what pictures are you taking??


Thirdly, this happened yesterday.
The best bud and I went down to Sembawang Satay Club to satisfy our satay cravings.
And Pakcik jual satay asks for my order, " yer, nak apa JAH?". Btw, this pakcik looks like he's older than my dad. Alahai pakcik, saya belom Hajjah lagi laaaaah...

My brain works overtime last night thinking about it and 'some other matters'.

That aside,
We had kickass Satay and Ice Lemon Tea!! We Drank like Camels *in my case, Baby Hippo* and Ate like a LION. Waaaah seyyy, we are on binge-till-you-can't weekend. *burp*

Oh yah, thanks for the Dapur Siam treat....


Anonymous said...

jah?! makkao..i never reach to dat level...kau menang lah isz cam gini! ehkhekhehe

Anonymous said...

to more bingin weekends ahead!!